Sunday School/Youth Group at Our Marine Church
- Marine UCC Sunday School/Youth Group Program:
- Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.
- Our Sunday School year begins the first Sunday after Labor Day
(referred to as Rally Day) and ends the Sunday before Memorial Day.
- We break for the Summer.
- All classes meet together for Opening Prayer & Songs.
- Attendance is taken and offering is collected .
- Birthdays are recognized.
- Classes go to assigned areas to complete Bible lesson plans/activities/crafts.
- All classes return together for Closing Prayer & Song.
- Our children also participate in a Christmas program.
- Our teachers are members of the church and volunteer their time.
- All teachers are screened and have passed background checks.
- The Sunday School classes are small in size.
- Class size is normally around 4 to 8 children per class.
- Confirmation Class: 7th or 8th Grade (depending on class size)
- Pastor Phil Kershner teaches Confirmation Classes
- Youth Group
- We have an active youth group the meets monthly. We enjoy a variety of recreational
activities and also participate in church and community projects.
- All children are welcomed!
Marine United Church of Christ ☀
111 N. Center ☀
P.O. Box 396 ☀
Marine, Il 62061