"The Mission of the United Church of Christ of Marine is to nourish Christian growth and understanding of how God calls people to live, as revealed through Jesus Christ.
We are committed to God's call to live and witness to the resurrection of Jesus, to share the love we know in this church and beyond, and to celebrate God's love by proclaiming the Good News of salvation.
We recognize the reality of human need and suffering. Showing faithfulness in prayer and responding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to serve, offering our time, talent, and resources to care for all people.
We struggle to be examples of the Christian way of life, seek to preserve the best of the past, and remain ever open to new revelations of the Holy Spirit."
We will strive to carry out this ministry through the commitment of members who involve themselves in many ways. We pledge out support with treasures as well as talents.
With pastor/congregation cooperation, we hope to be faithful in attendance and active in worship. We need to grow out of patterns of apathy and uncertainty.
The way of our faith calls us to accountability. We need to ask ourselves, "Do we want to grow in faith or remain stagnant?" "Do we want a church of commitment or a church of convenience?" "Do we want to be open to communication or silent on issues?"
We sincerely hope that our pastor will guide us to greater heights and greater levels of ministry.